Kemaliye (Eğin) Evleri Geçmişten Geleceğe Uzanan Köprü

Kemaliye (Eğin) Evleri

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nurettin İMRE, Kemaliye Hacı Ali Akın Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu, Turizm Bölümü, Öğretim Üyesi

Özet: Yukarı Fırat havzasında yer alan Kemaliye, kuruluşundan bu yana çeşitli kültürlerin yaşadığı küçük şirin bir kasabadır.
Kemaliye, dut, ceviz, çınar, kavak gibi çeşitli ağaçları ve binlerce çeşit bitkiyi ve endemik türü içinde barındıran bir botanik bahçesi gibidir. Kemaliye evleri, Nisan ayıyla birlikte başlayan doğal çevre ve muhteşem yeşilin mimari yapıları arasındaki uyumun en güzel örneğidir.

Kemaliye (Egin) Houses
Abstract: Located in the upper Euphrates basin, Kemaliye is a small charming town where various cultures have lived since its foundation. Kemaliye is like a botanical garden which contains various trees such as mulberry, walnut, plane, poplar, and thousands of kinds of plants and endemic type. Kemaliye houses are the most beautiful example of the harmony between the natural environment and the architectural structures between the splendid green that began with April.
The houses are located in accordance with the topography structure called “mag” 3-3,5. And they were built with a 5 meter axle system. Because of the economic obligation to use the land, the houses were shaped gradually, not horizontally, but vertically. In addition, two, three and four-storey houses were preferred instead of single-storey houses. Many of the houses are leaning towards the land for this reason. You can go to a street or a garden with doors opened from all over the Kemaliye Houses. The lower floors of Kemaliye Houses, which are generally used as three floors, function as service floors. This floor is also used as “frost, pantry and wood house”.
The main floors are arranged as living spaces, and they consist of Divanhane, Selamlık (the portion of a house reserved for men), a sofa and a kitchen. In this town, where Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, Ilhanlı, Akkoyunlu and Ottoman periods were lived, the old architectural shops and houses in the central market were burnt in the fire in 1987. (Today in Kemaliye, 145 registered, there are close to 530 old houses.) Afterwards, the people of Kemaliye established various foundations and associations and started the activities for the protection of the remaining housing and workplaces with local administrations. Çekül Foundation and Kemav were the most important ones.
Kemaliye is part of the “7 regions 7 cities” project of the Foundation For Protection And Promotion Of Environment And Cultural Values, whose short name is ÇEKÜL. In addition to its nature, history and cultural features, Kemaliye has been nominated for UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites’ Historical Values with its original architecture. Today, Kemaliye is not only a place where local and foreign tourists visit. It is an OPEN-AIR MUSEUM that statesmen, groups, University administrators, academicians and students came to see.

Makalenin tamamına Yapı Dünyası Dergisi 2017 Sayı: 260-261 den ulaşabilirsiniz.

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